But wait, the last word has not been said
KS Muralidharan
So Donald Trump has lost the elections as President of the United States and the only suspense is whether, when and how he will vacate the White House?
The results have been declared by the media Moghuls and TV czars, while the voters themselves wait to do what we are told they will do!
The sitting president’s defeat, if it indeed happens, could be due to either of the two: 1) Donald Defeats Trump 2) No One Defeated Trump.
Joe Biden seems very much like a plain ol’ bloke who could turn out to be actually plain and old, while Trump seems very much like his own worst enemy.
For better or worse, America has seen lesser candidates, but not a full-blown battle like this. No president had to fight the war on five fronts, viz. the opposite party, the presidential opponent, mainstream media, social media, and to top it all, an ill-fated roll of the dice.
History rolled out the pandemic and left Trump and America, badly bruised and on the back foot. Even some Republicans agree that the President messed it up, but what’s the bet that a Democrat president would have done better or, why not, messed up better?
Remember there’s only one country in the world which is supposed to have handled the pandemic successfully — and it is China. You want to believe it? Well, what do you know, pigs can fly, especially when it’s your own invented pig.
Ironically, the American voters could show the door to Trump primarily for the way he handled the corona pandemic, but that could be an emotional vote, and not a thinking one.
Consider. No one can deny that the mainstream media like the Wall Street Journal, CNN and Washington Post to name a few have been gunning for Donald Trump from day one, barring of course, Fox News, which is openly Republican, and a few right wing rags.
The social media giants, Google, Facebook and Twitter too have not been behind, and even tacitly supported Joe Biden by red-flagging a post that exposed Biden Junior in an alleged corrupt deal.
All is fair in love and hate when it comes to Trump, but this is nothing less than an overt, proactive and unrelenting attempt to rig the system and game public opinion.
Why is the media — mainstream and viral — so hell bent on seeing Trump lose, and ensuring a Biden win?
Maintaining the status quo is the obvious answer. A more reasoned response could be Trump’s immigration policies which directly hurt the tech giants and the messiahs of the Silicon Valley.
But is it really such a non-negotiable and intractable issue that they can’t deal with Trump, to their satisfaction? There is something more fishy at play.
Also, it is reasonable to presume that the tech crowd and the near takeover of the social media by the left liberal eco-system, is a dog whistle for maintaining the status quo ante. In other words, some kind of protection money for retaining the Establishment. This fancy in the US for the left liberals is either history’s biggest hoax or a mysterious kind of infatuation for the left. It’s like you want to date the left but are cagey about going to bed with it!
For all his business savvy, Trump has never been accepted by Washington as one of its own.
America may be the preferred choice for people from all over the world to make dollar money, but underlying all its ugly underbelly of racism and guns, is the liberals’ power play with the media, which veers dangerously close to the left, before it steps back and again continues this self-inflicted rigmarole. That’s how it finds itself trying to rationalize its support for Islamic terror sympathisers, dictators and whatnot, and peddling the leftist narrative on India, the world’s largest democracy, when it should be actually doing the opposite.
Of all the people, it was Trump who tore off this veil and exposed the media and the Democrats and their left-liberal pals for what they are. When this catapulted him to the White House, he reasoned that if it worked once, it could work again. The jury is out and in a few weeks, we will know who tricked whom.
Outside the US too, the left liberals have relentlessly carried on the onslaught against Trump. For example, the US correspondent of the Times of India. India’s largest daily, has been carrying on a tirade every alternate day for the past several months leading to the US elections. If you read his columns, you would think Trump would win only the votes of his family members and a handful of illiterate rural white Americans, all of which would be less than the columns he has written! Whatever be the truth, they show clearly a naked hatred for Trump and for what he represents.
Juxtaposed against this barely concealed hatred for Trump are trite, favourable pieces on Kamala Harris, the Democrat’s choice for VP, and Joe Biden, the presidential contender. Since they are addressed to an Indian audience, the so-called commentary is sprinkled liberally with the oh-so-cute Indian connect and the Indian-ness of Kamala Harris. But not a word about her stand on Kashmir and against the Indian army which goes against India’s interest, just to give one example. Not a word on how her far left leaning cohorts would do irreparable damage to both India as well as also to the US.
The irony is, despite so many arraigned against him, over 40–43% of the people are still said to be backing President Trump, though trailing Biden by 8 to 12 points according to multiple polls.
And yet, the Democrats are seized with fear! Is this comfortable lead a Hillary Moment, or a 2016 Redux? The last time too, pollsters told us, how Hillary Clinton had to just don her make-up and turn up at the White House at the appointed hour, to take charge. And we know how at the eleventh hour, she got Trumped.
Then too the self-same left liberal supporters in the media had tried to game the US election. In India, Barkha Dutt, the darling of the liberals, even addressed Hillary as President Clinton in an interview before the results!
The game failed, because more voters sensed it was unfair on the part of the media to show up its hand in favour of one candidate and play politics over a choice they had to make. So this time, the media is playing even more ugly and going all out to beat Trump, using all means foul and fair.
It’s not over till it is over. That’s the fear Trump echoes, and it may be — and that’s a different page waiting to unfold in US history. But it can be over when it is over, if Trump manages to somehow wean away just one or two out of ten voters who have apparently chosen to vote Democrat. The same cannot be said for Biden, for he can’t be in a better place than now, according to the pollsters.
So forget what people are reading and tweeting. Instead think: Can hatred win you over?
Ironically, this is the choice before the people who are described universally as the nicest people on earth. God bless America.